Eka M. Afandi Taher, Ilham Rosyidi, Salha Marasaoly, Tashya Panji Nugroho, Absori Absori


One of the legal issues that often arises in the State Administrative Court (PTUN) is related to the implementation of the PTUN decision which has permanent legal force. Execution of Administrative Court Decisions tends to face obstacles, to the detriment of justice seekers. The cause in abstracto lies in the regulatory norms for implementing decisions that are still not firm, while in concreto the cause is the disobedience of government bodies and/or officials to the law. In substance (legal substance), the execution arrangements in the State Administrative Court regulated in the TUN Judicial Law are not sufficient, and so is the legal structure of the execution institution in the Administrative Court which is only guided by the supervision of the PTUN chairman, cannot run as it should. so that the execution cannot run effectively and efficiently. To answer these problems, the author conducted this legal research. Based on the concept of National Law Development, the purpose of establishing PTUN is related to the philosophy of the rule of law based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, therefore the rights and interests of individuals are protected and upheld as well as the rights of the community. One form of legal protection is the implementation of every decision of the Administrative Court that has permanent force. For this reason, it is necessary to regulate the formation of a new legal institution that specifically carries out the executive function of the judiciary or what 

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