Sultan Alwan, Yahya Yunus


Legal problems in the village head election in the Ino Jaya Village arise when the village head candidate who gets the most votes is not sworn in as the elected candidate. On the contrary, the village head candidate who gets the second most votes is determined and sworn in as the elected village head candidate. In contrast, the norm in Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, article 37 paragraph (1), explicitly states that the candidate for the elected village head is the one who gets the most votes. This study analyzed the arrangement of the dispute resolution authority in the village head election process for non-fulfillment of the nomination requirements after the election of the village head candidate. This study is normative legal research using statute, concept, and case approaches. The results showed that the election committee at the regency level was not authorized to resolve disputes after the village head candidate was elected. The dispute resolution that led to the disqualification of the village head candidate who got the most votes by the regency-level election committee produced legal uncertainty and harmed the sense of justice.  As the ius constituendum, the dispute resolution process for fulfilling the nomination requirements after the election of a village head candidate needs to be regulated explicitly in the legislation by the judiciary to implement a village head election with fair legal certainty.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/dejure.v4i1.6085


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