Ainurrafiqa Pelupessy


Rape is sexual lust of a business by a man against a woman in a way that moral and or violate applicable law. Problems faced by rape victims is not easy, must obtain the protection of the victims of human rights such as the right to security. Issues to be discussed is how the shape of the protection of human rights of women as victims of rape, whether the protection of human rights in accordance with the principles of human rights, how the forms state responsibility in protecting the human rights of the victims of rape. Responsibility of the state in question is by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (National Commission for Women) as the government agency responsible for women who experience violence. The method used in this paper is to use the method of approach to a problem that is normative, the data sources used are primary and secondary data sources, data collection techniques using interviews (primary data) and through the study of literature (secondary data), data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed, first, a form of protection of human rights of women as rape victims is through integrated services that include medical services, legal services/legal aid, shelter services (safe house). Protection of victims was also accompanied by a monitoring-based recovery program. However, the protection of human rights of victims of rape permepuan not maximized because the victim has not fully got the same service. Second, the protection of women victims of rape have not been in accordance with the principles of human rights. The study says that the persistence of unequal treatment, discrimination directly and indirectly by the provider of health services, legal assistance, safe houses, even by police, prosecutors, and also hakim. Akibat of the principles of human rights are not appropriate this, so that the right to security of the suffering of the victims in the form of fear, trauma,self- confidence due to the loss of chastity (virginity), which must be owned by the rape victim has not been fulfilled and are still far from expectations. Third, the form of the National Commission the responsibility to protect women victims of rape are still limited to monitoring, collate regulation handling of victims, where the complaint is still a victim. It can be concluded that the protection of human rights of women as victims of rape is not maximized,the National Commission in carrying out its responsibilities women do not directly handling, no guidance, and to the extent received reports from other institutions in collaboration with the National Commission of Women


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