Tergerusnya Kesultanan Ternate: dari Pusat (Centre) ke Pinggiran (Periphery) Kekuasaan

Safrudin Amin


This article traces the change of political position of Ternate sultanate through
history from an independent traditional state in pre-European colonialism
period, during its encounter with Europan colonialism from 16th centry to mid
19th century, and in the period of being part of Indonesian nation-state todays.
The author clearly argues that Ternate sultanate has undergone
marginalization process during the above-mentioned period from a centre
and powerful independent state, which had many peripheral regions
gradually, becomes a powerless peripheral element of the present nationstate
of Indonesia. The author also underlies some factors contributing to the
marginalization process.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/jeh.v2i1.822


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