Pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi dan tingkat suku bunga terhadap inflasi dimaluku utara

Hermawati Arsad, Rahman Dano Mustafa SE. M.Sc, Nurdin I Muhammad,SE.,M.Si


The Effect of Economic Growth and Interest Rates on Inflation in North Maluku. Commission Chairman: Rahman Dano Mustafa Commission Member: Nurdin I Muhammad

The objectives of this study are: determine the effect of long-term and short-term economic growth on inflation in North Maluku; (2) to determine the effect of long-term and short- term interest rates on inflation in North Maluku; (3) to determine simultaneously the effect of economic growth and long-term and short-term interest rates on inflation in North Maluku. The study uses time series data between 14 years (2006-2019). The test tool used is the Error Correction Model (ECM) with the statistical test tool Eviews (Economic Views).

The results of the study show that: (1) Economic growth has no influence and is not significant in the long and short term on inflation in North Maluku, (2) Interest rates (SBI) have a significant and long-term influence on inflation in Maluku. North, (3) Simultaneously shows that economic growth and interest rates (SBI) have a significant relationship and influence in the long and short term on inflation in North Maluku.

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