Comparison of Forensic Tools on Social Media Services Using the Digital Forensic Research Workshop Method (DFRWS)

Ghufron Zaida Muflih, Sunardi Sunardi, Imam Riadi, Anton Yudhana, Himawan I Azmi


Social media applications currently play a role and become part of various human activities, on the other hand social media is also very vulnerable to various crimes. Some crimes on social media can be in the form of hate speech, defamation, fraud, gambling, pornography, and other harmful actions. This research applies the Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS) method to search for all data on twitter social media services running on the Android operating system using MOBILedit Forensic Express and Belkasoft Evidence Center tools. Twitter social media services in this research are used for activities by utilizing all the features in it. Activities carried out by twitter users become evidence that will be acquired using MOBILedit Forensic Express and Belkasoft Evidence Center tools. From the two tools used, a comparison was obtained that MOBILedit Forensic Express found more data on twitter social media than Belkasoft Evidence Center, the findings in these two tools made several contributions to social media investigations that run on the android operating system

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