Livestock is a livestock breeding activity that aims to produce livestock products and benefits from their activities. Broiler is one of the promising livestock business. This is evidenced by the increasing consumer demand for household and consumer consumption on the scale of restaurants every day, therefore in the livestock management system it is necessary to increase the amount of production in producing quality products. Internet of things (IoT) is the right step for farmers in implementing daily activities, using an automation system so that the crew (the crew of the cage) are not too busy checking the cage. this is what underlies the manufacture of tools that can be controlled virtually with a system for monitoring and controlling chicken feeding with the internet and the help of applications on smartphones. The system for making automatic feeders based on the Internet of Things is in the form of a prototype as a remote control tool and can especially be helped by using components such as an ESP8266 WiFi module or an Arduino Uno microcontroller, DC gearbox motor, servo motor, ultrasonic sensor, this tool is also made aims to reduce the level of loss as in previous studies due to the presence of leftover feed in the automatic feeder, so for the next research to be made, it will be optimized by the absence of feed residue in the automatic feeder container.
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