Forming the character of young citizens requires communities of character consisting of family, school and community. As the rapid development of information technology enters human life,  young citizens are not immune from the various negative influences it causes, such as hoax news, hate speech that is spread, as well as various content that gives rise to notions of racism, promiscuity and promiscuity. , violence, and even terrorism.. Students as  young citizens at SMP Negeri 2 Tidore Islands not only have cognitive abilities, but also attitudes and behavior as tough young Indonesian citizens, with Pancasila character, as well as world citizens who are not easily dragged down. the strong influence of social media. This means that the profile of young citizens at SMP Negeri 2 Tidore Islands who  have Pancasila character is that they have competence as students with character and behave in accordance with Pancasila values. These young citizens with Pancasila  character are cultivated by example (role modeling), conditioning and teaching. These three ways are cultivated through family institutions as the first place where young citizens receive ethical and moral education, then school institutions where ethical and moral education is more polished and strengthened by teachers and in society as a place where young citizens socialize more widely, including getting to know and mingle with the world of politics.
Character Building;
SMP Negeri 2 Kota Tikep
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