Badrun Ahmad, Muh. Faedly H.Tidore, Arbain Tata, Sudirman Hi. Umar


Abstrak: Beberapa peneliti saat ini telah melakukan penelitian mikroplastik di Maluku Utara. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meninjau analisis sebelumnya. Tujuannya adalah sebagai referensi singkat bagi para peneliti yang ingin melakukan penelitian mikroplastik di Maluku Utara. Selain itu, tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis secara kuantitatif beberapa hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Metode pencarian jurnal dan penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari kata kunci “Mikroplastik di Laut Maluku Utara†pada mesin pencari Google Scholar dan Science Direct. Penelitian mikroplastik sebelumnya di Pulau Mare meneliti kadar mikroplastik pada beberapa jenis teripang dan kelompok mikroplastik pada sedimen di perairan Pulau Mare. Pada teripang ditemukan total 272 partikel mikroplastik. Pada saat yang sama, penelitian endapan dilakukan di dua stasiun. Stasiun pertama di Maregam menemukan mikroplastik berkisar antara 17.000 - 37.000 partikel/kg berat sedimen kering. Di Marekofo ditemukan 13.839-30.666 partikel/kg sedimen. Dipelajari juga di Pulau Ternate, dan hasilnya ditemukan mikroplastik pada ikan cakalang sebanyak 948 partikel yang diperoleh dari 16 sampel ikan yang beredar di pasaran. Penelitian mikroplastik pada ikan jenis lain, seperti Epinephelus Fuscogutattus, E. coioides, dan E. Suillus, ditemukan 594 partikel mikroplastik di saluran pencernaan ikan.


Kata kunci: mikroplastik, laut, ikan, mare, ternate



Abstract: Several researchers have now carried out microplastic research in North Maluku. This article aims to review the previous analysis. The aim is to serve as a brief reference for researchers wishing to conduct microplastic research in North Maluku. In addition, the purpose of this article is to analyze quantitatively some of the results of the study that has been done. Journal and research search methods were carried out by searching for the keywords "Microplastics in the North Maluku Sea" on Google Scholar and Science Direct. Previous microplastic research on Mare Island examined microplastic levels in several types of sea cucumbers and microplastic groups in sediments in Mare Island waters. In sea cucumbers, a total of 272 microplastic particles were found. At the same time, research on deposits was carried out at two stations. The first station in Maregam found microplastics ranging from 17,000 - 37,000 particles/kg of dry sediment weight. In Marekofo found 13,839-30,666 particles/kg of sediment. It was also studied on the island of Ternate, and the results found microplastics in skipjack tuna, as many as 948 particles obtained from 16 fish samples in the market. Microplastic research on other types of fish, such as Epinephelus Fuscogutattus, E. coioides, and E. Suillus, 594 microplastic particles were found in the digestive tract of fish.


Keywords: microplastics, marine, fish, mare, ternate

Teks Lengkap:



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