Yunus Syafie, Nurdiyanawati Djumadil


Abstract. This study aimed to determine the effect of pumpkin flour as a filler substitution on organoleptic and moisture content of culled laying hen nuggets, using a completely randomized design method.The materials used in this study were 300 grams of rejected laying hen meat and pumpkin flour,which were grouped into 4 treatments and 4 replicates with the experimental formulation, namelyR0: without pumpkin flour, R1: 5%, R2: 10% and R3: 15% pumpkin flour with chicken meat each 60% in each treatment. The variables observed in this study were the nutritional value of rejected laying hen nuggets includingorganoleptic test of affixed laying hen nuggets (taste, aroma, texture, appearance and moisture content). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. If there was a significant difference, it will be continued with the Least Significant Difference Test. The results showed that the addition of pumpkin flour as a filler substitution in the manufacture of chicken nuggets had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the organoleptic characteristics, including color, taste, texture, aroma and appearance as well as the moisture content of the chicken nuggets of the culled layers. However, the average value of the organoleptic test for color, taste, aroma and appearance and water content decreased.Meanwhile, the texture value increases.Based on the use of pumpkin flour filler in the manufacture of discarded laying hen nuggets, the organoleptic characteristic values and water content still meet the quality standards of SNI 01-6683-2002.

Keywords: Pumpkin Flour, Nuggets, Organoleptic, Moisture Content

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