Nurdiyanawati Djumadil, Suhardi Suhardi


The market prospect of organic vegetable products in Ternate was quite developed, although it was still very small or only limited to the upper middle class. It becomes a potential in developing agribusiness by identifying opportunities in Gapoktan Timamo, including optimizing land production, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and tightening post-harvest to marketing using social media platforms as promotional media, as well as the development of modern retail that have fueled the need for sufficient organic vegetables supply in terms of good quality and continuity, which encourage the development of organic vegetable agribusiness. This study was carried out at the Gapoktan Timamo, West Ternate District, Ternate City, from May to October 2022. Gapoktan Timamoconsisted of a combination of 3 farmer groups and was a center for organic vegetable production which was quite developed in the West Ternate region, and have been certified by Inofice Certification Institute since 2017. A surveyusing qualitative and quantitative methods was used in this study. The observed variables were indicators/criteria and selection of alternative strategies regarding the prospect of developing organic vegetable agribusiness. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to analyzed the data. The AHP results showed that there was inconsistency value based onthe criteria for production facilities provider, subsystem production subsystem, marketing subsystem, and supporting institutional subsystem in prospects for organic vegetable development and based on prospect alternatives for organic vegetable development as a whole, which means that the analysis results were acceptable. The agribusiness subsystem criteria in the prospect of developing organic vegetable agribusiness as a whole, the most influential was the marketing subsystem with a weight value of 0.351. Marketing was an important part which connects production and consumption activities

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