Identifikasi Mata Air Desa Moreala Kecamatan Petani Barat
 This study aims to identify springs in Moreala Village, West Farmer District. Springs are natural water sources that have an important role in meeting the water needs of communities, agriculture, and ecosystems in the region. Spring identification is a crucial first step in water resources management and environmental conservation. This research was conducted using survey method. The data and information used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through direct data collection in the field. In addition, secondary data on geographical, climatic, and land-use characteristics are also collected to understand the hydrological and environmental context of the region. The results showed that the nine samples with their respective spring sources were Lola spring water (Sample 1), Lola water 2 (Sample 2), leleo water (Sample 3), nona water (Sample 4), then kalalim water (Sample 5), bobo water (Sample 6), pailere water (Sample 7), idete water (Sample 8) and wide stone water (Sample 9). In the first sample (1) it did not smell as well as samples 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 and 9, even though the spring water is right in the community garden, but this does not cause an effect on the spring, because there is still some vegetation around the spring which serves as a protection of life support systems to regulate water management, prevent flooding, control erosion and protect soil fertility.
Keywords: identification, spring, Moreala Village, West Farmer District.
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