This study aims to explain the integral legal paradigm constructed based on Pancasila values. The integral legal paradigm based on Pancasila is a legal understanding based on Divine values which are believed to be true by all people. With belief in God, humans recognize themselves as creatures created by God who have civilization with recognition of human values. Concretely, the integral legal paradigm of Pancasila is a form of a legal system that is God-given, humane, Indonesian unity, deliberative and socially just. The law must be understood that the law upholds God as the almighty substance over everything in this world. The term paradigm is used as a word that conveys enthusiasm and progress in conducting legal studies. With an integral paradigm based on Pancasila, it will provide a broader, comprehensive and interrelated view of law in a unified system. In this study, the literature study research method was used with a philosophical approach. The data in research such as; books, journals, articles and various scientific works are collected through library research, with this research showing that Pancasila as an integral legal paradigm in Indonesia is indeed important, because Pancasila has a position in the nation and state, in this case also the law still requires reform in accordance with the norms that live and develop in society and all of that is described in the Pancasila precepts, law must be extracted from the authentic values and real life of society, an integral legal paradigm based on Pancasila will always be based on the values of divinity, humanity, Indonesian unity, consensus deliberation, and social justice for all the people of Indonesia.
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