This study aims to formulate the concept of a welfare state based on prophetic Islamic law. The concept of the welfare state upholds human rights, while man as a creature of God Almighty must be able to understand its essence by transcending metaphysical thinking and engaging himself into prophetic law. The research method used is juridical-normative with a conceptual approach and documentary studies. The legal material used is in the form of the 1945 Constitution and analyzed using qualitative methods. The concept of the welfare state upholds human rights, but the view of the welfare state known to the majority of the world's population comes from European countries that are secular or separate the state from religion. However, the prophetic Islamic view invites man to think metaphysically to understand the existence of God's truth and justice in the universe. This idea is not only to create a human-centered welfare state (homocentric) but also to restore human law following the divine law (Theocentric).
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