Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Probing-Prompting Method at SMA Advent Makassar

Yultri Silamma, Demsi Ronald Claus Matiallo, Suardi Suardi


This research is intended to find out the significant difference of the speaking skill of the second year students at SMA Advent Makassar through Probing-Prompting method. The method of this research is pre- experimental method. This method involved one group that was given pre- test, treatments and post-test.The result of the data analysis shows that there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test by the mean score of post-test (4,15) is greater than the mean score of per-test (2,7) at the level significance 0,05. Based on the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that Probing-Prompting method can improve the students’ speaking skill.

Kata Kunci

Improving student; Probing-Prompting Method; Speaking skill

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