Farid Fitriyadi, Indriyati Indriyati


The Health Agency is a health institution that is needed in a place for treatment of a disease. The current outbreak of the corona virus demands optimal public health services. The role of medical personnel is an important concern in the world of health. Every Health Agency strives to be able to provide good and competent medical personnel in their fields to be able to help the community. Sri Murti Husada Clinic is a maternity clinic to serve patients of mothers who are about to give birth, check their wombs, place family planning, treat premature babies and others. The clinic is supported by specialist doctors, midwives and nurses who have various levels of performance. The problem in this study is the large number of patient requests for quality nurse performance services, for this reason the clinic must be able to provide the best nurses with criteria such as: Performance, Education, Years of Service, Discipline, Attitude and Productivity. In the old system that has been running in determining the best nurse only based on years of service and ignoring other criteria. This old system model can lead to inaccurate and unfair decision results. The aim of this research is to make a decision support system (SPK) application for determining the best nurse performance at the Sri Murti Husada Clinic using the Weighted Product Algorithm Method. This method was chosen because it has the ability in ranking to determine the best alternative by applying all the criteria. The result of this study is the formation of a decision support system application that can provide the best nurse recommendations by applying all the criteria. The results of the functionality test were successful for all test scenarios and the validity results obtained matched valid results.

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