Ridwan Ilyas, Wina Witanti, Fildzah Syarafina


Database restructuring is a crucial process aimed at enhancing data management and access efficiency by modifying the existing data structure. This research focuses on improving a Geographic Information System (GIS) for taxation by migrating and restructuring an inefficient and redundant database. The study conducts a comparative performance evaluation of the old and restructured databases using benchmarking tests with varying numbers of threads and ramp-ups. The results reveal a significant increase in average throughput (24.60%) following the restructuring, indicating a substantial improvement in the database's data processing capacity. However, there is also an average increase in response time (21.65%), suggesting a trade-off between enhanced throughput and slower response times. This increase in response time indicates that while the system can handle more data, it requires more time to process each query. Overall, the restructured database demonstrates enhanced performance and efficiency, though further optimization is necessary to achieve consistent throughput across different workloads and to mitigate the increased response times

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